"Can you do an edible landscape?"
Seriously, the guy looked at me like I'd just beamed down from Mars.
What's crazy about an edible landscape? Didn't Michelle Obama just dig up 1100 square feet of White House lawn for a kitchen garden? My philosophy is if you're going to plant it and take care of it, you should be able to eat it.
So, not being able to find anyone to design this for us, we just decided to take matters into our own hands and design it ourselves. It's not quite done yet, but it's close. Some plants we kept, some we moved.

The front line, which once was shrubs, is now alternating red Double Knock Out Roses (OK, so you can't eat those) and currants. Around the statue birdbath is rhubarb, and to the side are three half high blueberries. Behind the metal sculpture is a semi-drawf Bartlett pear.

So, now I think we're going to add some Rosemary. And I'm looking everywhere for a gooseberry bush. Every nursery center seems to be sold out for the season. If you find a couple, let me know. And I want big plants.
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